no. 26650/4651/OLW
Office for rent
Warszawa, Praga-Południe
Net size 670 m2
Rent for m2 57,0 PLN/m2
Service charges/m2 32,0 PLN/m2
Floor 1
Rent 38 190 PLN
Service charges 21 440 PLN
Ask your advisor about:
- Rent-free period
- Fit-out budget
- Effective rent
Pryzmat is an office building located near one of the main communication arteries. The location allows free access to other parts of the city. The standard of the building includes, among others, air conditioning, tilt windows, suspended ceilings and access control. An additional advantage is available parking at the building.
The photos show the standard of surface finish. On the surface there is an own kitchen, for the moment made as a walk-through, because these were the preferences of the previous tenant. Rent 57 PLN/m2 without changing the arrangement - when changing the fit-out, the rent will be determined individually. Service fee 32 PLN/m2 in advance. The fee will be reduced as the prices of media used in the building stabilize. The Lessor may allocate 3 parking spaces at a price from PLN 200 to PLN 250/pcs. On the surface there are 3 air conditioners with remote controls for individual control. The area on the plan is marked in blue