no. 18300/4651/OLW
Office for rent
Kraków, Podgórze
Net size 3 000 m2
Rent for m2 13,5 EUR/m2
Service charges/m2 25,5 PLN/m2
Floor 2
Rent 40 500 EUR
Service charges 76 500 PLN
Ask your advisor about:
- Rent-free period
- Fit-out budget
- Effective rent
An office complex, located in the southern part of Krakow, characterized by a carefully planned urban layout and a very good connection to the city center and the airport.
The undoubted advantage of the place is a number of amenities located in the immediate vicinity of the investment (including free parking, cafés, restaurants, numerous services, cinema), as well as an on-site medical clinic with a fitness club and a swimming pool.
The premises with an area of approximately 3,000 m2 covers an area of two floors. The rooms are finished, require refreshment and re-arrangement according to the preferences of the future tenant - the landlord has planned a finishing budget for this purpose.
There are also other areas for rent in the building.