no. 22630/4651/OLW
Lokal idealny pod usługi apteczne
Gdańsk, Matarnia
Net size 120 m2
Rent for m2 64,0 PLN/m2
Service charges/m2 18,0 PLN/m2
Floor 1
Rent 7 680 PLN
Service charges 2 160 PLN
Ask your advisor about:
- Rent-free period
- Fit-out budget
- Effective rent
Premises suitable for pharmacy services in a good location for rent. Premises with a site. All media brought. Kitchenette and toilets in the common area. The standard of the premises includes ventilation, central heating, suspended ceilings, panels and tiles on the floors, structural cabling, including optical fiber. Possible adaptation of the annex also on its own space.