no. 24320/4651/OLW
Lokal usługowy na parterze, Gdynia
Net size 1 200 m2
Rent for m2 15,0 EUR/m2
Service charges/m2 23,0 PLN/m2
Floor Parter
Rent 18 000 EUR
Service charges 27 600 PLN
Ask your advisor about:
- Rent-free period
- Fit-out budget
- Effective rent
Characteristic office building consisting of 9 above-ground and 2 underground levels. Located in the center of Gdynia, convenient location. Nearby there are public transport and SKM stops. Lots of shops, shopping mall, restaurants and hotels. There is an underground car park in the building, there is also a car park with numerous parking spaces in front of the building.
The commercial and service premises can also be used as a catering facility in the center of Gdynia.