no. 23675/4651/OLW
Powierzchnia na parterze w centrum
Wrocław, Stare Miasto

Net size 432 m2
Rent for m2 15,0 EUR/m2
Service charges/m2 25,0 PLN/m2
Floor Parter
Rent 6 480 EUR
Service charges 10 800 PLN
Ask your advisor about:
- Rent-free period
- Fit-out budget
- Effective rent
The investment is located in the very center of Wrocław, providing tenants with many amenities such as numerous restaurants, banks and hotels. In the immediate vicinity there is the District of Four Denominations, the National Forum of Music, Wrocław Opera, and numerous stops. The facility offers for rent modern office and commercial and service space on 5 floors. All modules have a high-class finish. The building has an LEED ecological certificate. A large underground car park is available to tenants.
The space located on the ground floor can be adapted to the needs of the future tenant.