no. 13465/4651/OLW
Ustawny moduł na parterze w biurowcu klasy A
Wrocław, Krzyki

Net size 297 m2
Rent for m2 14,5 EUR/m2
Service charges/m2 19,5 PLN/m2
Floor Parter
Rent 4 307 EUR
Service charges 5 777 PLN
Ask your advisor about:
- Rent-free period
- Fit-out budget
- Effective rent
A modern complex consisting of two glazed office buildings completed in 2019. The facility is located in the Wrocław Krzyki district, near the Old Town, in the vicinity we will find numerous bus stops and popular facilities such as Galeria Dominikańska, a luxurious office and apartment center - OVO Wrocław and universities. The office building has an LEED ecological certificate, and all modules are equipped with, among others with air conditioning, suspended ceilings, raised floors and a number of ecological solutions.
The area is in the developer's standard, especially open space with the possibility of dividing it into offices. The landlord provides a budget for finishing. The space is ready in 6-8 months from signing the contract