no. 2281/4651/OI
Gawronów 6
Katowice, Gawronów 6
Pokaż na mapieRent for m2 65,0 PLN/m2
Service charges/m2 20,0 PLN/m2
Ask your advisor about:
- Rent-free period
- Fit-out budget
- Effective rent
Parking podziemny
300,0 PLN
Min. okres najmu
36 mies.
A complex of four residential, office and commercial buildings located a short distance from the center of Katowice. There is also public transport nearby - a tram and a bus. In the area available premises - restaurant, drugstore, bakery, offices, grocery stores. In the vicinity there is a spacious car park at the disposal of tenants and customers. Additionally, it is possible to rent parking spaces in the underground garage.